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29/04/2024 • 1 min read

Skilled Worker Visa

Understanding the UK's Skilled Worker Visa: Eligibility, Requirements, and Long-Term Stay Opportunities

Home Office

What is Salmo?

Salmo is created by immigrants for immigrants. We design digital tools and services with built-in lawyer brains to help you prepare for Indefinite Leave to Remain from your first visa to final settlement.

What is a Skilled Worker Visa?

The Skilled Worker Visa is designed for individuals who have received a job offer from a UK employer in a role that cannot be filled by the local workforce. This visa category is pivotal for professionals seeking long-term employment and potentially permanent residency in the UK. It replaces the previous Tier 2 (General) work visa, aligning more closely with the UK's new points-based immigration system.

Purpose and Use

This visa aims to attract skilled workers to the UK to fill specific roles that contribute to the economy and the respective sectors’ growth. It's intended for professionals who have secured employment in the UK, ensuring that industries facing skill shortages can access the talent they need from around the world. It offers a pathway to permanent residency after five years of continuous employment in the UK. Applicants gain access to the National Health Service upon payment of the healthcare surcharge.

Can you settle in the UK with Skilled Worker Visa?

Yes, you can settle in the UK with a Skilled Worker Visa. After five years of continuous employment in the UK on this visa, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain (ILR), which is a form of permanent residency. To qualify, you'll need to meet certain criteria, including salary thresholds, knowledge of English, and absence limits from the UK. This route provides a clear pathway to settling in the UK for skilled workers and their families.

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