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29/04/2024 • 3 min read

Guide to Relocating to the UK with a Skilled Worker Visa in 2024

Explore opportunities in the UK! Learn about the Skilled Worker Visa, key sectors with job shortages, and the comprehensive application process for relocating to the UK in 2024. Perfect for international talents in healthcare, engineering, IT, creative industries, and skilled trades.

Visa Tips

What is Salmo?

Salmo is created by immigrants for immigrants. We design digital tools and services with built-in lawyer brains to help you prepare for Indefinite Leave to Remain from your first visa to final settlement.


The United Kingdom is an appealing destination for skilled workers due to its diverse culture, excellent healthcare, and career opportunities. Securing a Skilled Worker Visa through sponsorship can make your dream of moving to the UK a reality, especially if your profession is on the job shortage list.

What has changed

Since 4 April 2024, new minimum salary requirement has been announced for Skilled Worker visa and Health and Care Worker visa. Every job now has a salary menu for you to compare just how much you must earn to qualify for a visa.

On or after 4 April

Any application on or after 4 April must earn either over £38,700 or over the "standard going rate". You may get a discount rate from the £38,700 or the "standard" going rate minimum wage requirement if you are:

Before 4 April

Any application made before before 4 April must earn either over £29,000 or over the "lower" going rate of each job code

  • Under 26, studying or a recent graduate, or in professional training (new entrant): £23,200 or 70% going rate (whichever the highest)
  • Have a science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM) PhD level qualification that’s relevant to your job: £23,200 or 80% going rate (whichever the highest)
  • Have a non-STEM PhD level qualification that's related to your job: £26,100 or 90% going rate (whichever the highest)
  • Jobs included in the Immigration Salary List, including health and education sector: £23,200 or full going rate (whichever the highest)

Importance of Job Shortages

Job shortages in the UK play a crucial role in the growth of key sectors and provide international talents with an opportunity to relocate. Being on the shortage list might qualify you for a visa at a reduced salary requirement, thus easing the process.

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Sectors Experiencing Shortages

  • Healthcare: Including health services managers and care workers, with a critical demand for skilled personnel across various roles.
  • Engineering and IT: Needed are civil, electrical, and IT professionals, as well as specialists in other fields like chemical and biological sciences, particularly in sectors like nuclear, oil, and gas.
  • Creative Industries: Artists, dancers, and musicians, particularly those with classical ballet or orchestral skills, are in high demand.
  • Skilled Trades: There's a notable demand for carpentry, welding, masonry, and roofing, vital to construction and infrastructure projects.

Application Process Overview

  1. Securing a job: Polish your resume or portfolio to become an irreplaceable figure of the company. Aside from selling your skillset, also emphasise the work ethnics and loyalty (5 years) that migrant workers hold for their company.
  2. Eligibility Check: Confirm your job offer is from a Home Office approved employer and meets Skilled Worker Visa conditions.
  3. Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS): Obtain a CoS from your employer detailing your job's salary and role.
  4. English Proficiency: Prove your English skills through a test or a recognised academic qualification.
  5. Document Gathering: Assemble necessary documents including passport, proof of English proficiency, and financial stability evidence.
  6. Application Submission: Apply online, submit documents, and pay applicable fees.
  7. Biometric Information: Provide fingerprints and a photograph at a visa application centre.
  8. Decision Waiting: Typical processing is within 3 weeks; priority services may expedite this.
  9. Visa Collection and UK Entry: Upon approval, collect your visa and plan your move to the UK.


The UK offers substantial opportunities for skilled workers in shortage occupations. By following the outlined steps, potential migrants can efficiently navigate the visa application process and embark on their new career in the UK.